Artistic internships

Call for artistic internships at El Manso

Students of art and design from all over the country are invited to present proposals of visual arts to complement the eco and sustainable concept of the common areas and rooms of the Manso.

The proposals must be of murals, stained glass, looms, mosaics, paintings, plant arrangements or any innovative technique with themes alluding to the natural character of the elements that name the Manso’s rooms. This can be colors, scents of nature or plants of power.

The names of the rooms are: Rosewood, Tangerine, Lime, Chamomile, Lotus Flower, Amber, White, Guayusa, Coffee, Cacao, Cinnamon, Rose; Brahma Stahn, Zen Patio, Green Patio. It will be prioritized by the proposals connected with the Latin American and Ecuadorian environment, with environmental, social, community and integral awareness. The selected proposals will access a subsidy for the purchase of materials and a stay of between 2 and 7 nights in a room overlooking the river Manso, with lodging and breakfast expenses covered.

Innovative proposals and created with heart will be taken into account. And that at the same time have a minimum of finish and respect for quality and visual harmony.
Format for proposal: A paragraph of + -200 words explaining the proposal. Include approximate budget for materials. Attach images of other works or sketch of this proposal.

Proposals must be sent to