Pre professional practices

Pre professional practices at the manso

The pre-professional practices at Manso are a life experience. Here we will make an additional effort to ensure that you have the best possible contact with different situations of working life in a hostel. Additionally, you learn about the hotel business through workshops.

The term pre-professional practices is a little devalued by many companies to use practitioners for their own benefit, without thinking of the moral commitment that means to get a professional practice to contribute to the training of those who do it.

In the Manso, by combining a functional organization with a proposal with a concept, work is in itself an experience. In the Manso, by combining a functional organization with a proposal with a concept, work is in itself an experience.

Areas of professional practices

There are the following places:


Morning Reception Assistant
Gives support to the reception in the morning hours. You do check-outs, you learn about reservations, procedures and Property Management System. You receive breakfast and transportation. From 11:00 to 14:00, two days a week.

Coffee shop

Attention to tables weekends.
It is a relaxed and morning. You assist the guests in their breakfast, talk to them and practice languages. From 7:40 to 11:25, Saturdays and Sundays. You also have to wash dishes, sweep and mop. You receive a payment of $ 5 per day.


There are seven weekly Modules of one hour of practical tips on how to manage a hotel. This includes Management, Marketing and Hospitality conceptual. Every Thursday from 15:00 to 16:00.

Conscious Capitalism and corporate values. The TOE


Procedures and Policies


Reservations in the 21st century. OTAs, social networks and Hummingbird


How to specify your ideas. Agenda of the six levels and Corporate Protocol


Agroecology and community tourism in Ecuador

This is for you if …


You are one of those who believe that a better world is possible.


You are attracted to the cultural aspects of tourism, if you call community tourism.


You really want to learn secrets of hotel practice.

The kind of traveler that Manso attracts are people with an interest in knowing other cultures, for art and in general for social and nature tourism. This makes work more pleasant, as long as you feel attuned to this philosophy of life. We are looking for students who know how to be genuinely friendly, with fresh energy, desire to meet interesting people and feel identified with the Manso philosophy.

¿ How to apply ?

You must fill out the application online and send your CV to